Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This class stressed me out a lot and often, but upon reaching the end of it all I realize that it was largely in a good way. I need to become more techno-proficient if I am going to get ahead in life. And although it they were stress-inducing, they were lessons I needed to learn.

In effect, pretty much everything we covered in this class was new to me. Every project took me a long time to do even a halfway decent job on because each step of the process was something difficult I had never seen before. Afterwards I would have a decent understanding of the new technology and could, in a life or death situation, probably replicate what I had created. I believe this was one of the objectives of the class. I believe it was met for me.

I have many questions about technology still. I don't think all of the connections have been made in my head to give me that big picture yet. I was born more towards the beginning of the "millenial generation", so maybe technological ability wasn't hard-wired into my genetic make-up as effectively as the younger kids. I do have a good grasp of how to find answers though. I have gained the ability to use technology, what limited skills I have gained, to communicate, teach, and understand better and more clearly. Plus, blogging is fun!

In conclusion, I know how important technology is becoming in this day and age. I cannot be oblivious or resistant to that if I want to be successful. This class has started a solid techno-foundation for my life that I can build on to succeed.

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