Sunday, April 11, 2010

Project 2

I don't know what happened, or what this really is, but here it is anyways :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This class stressed me out a lot and often, but upon reaching the end of it all I realize that it was largely in a good way. I need to become more techno-proficient if I am going to get ahead in life. And although it they were stress-inducing, they were lessons I needed to learn.

In effect, pretty much everything we covered in this class was new to me. Every project took me a long time to do even a halfway decent job on because each step of the process was something difficult I had never seen before. Afterwards I would have a decent understanding of the new technology and could, in a life or death situation, probably replicate what I had created. I believe this was one of the objectives of the class. I believe it was met for me.

I have many questions about technology still. I don't think all of the connections have been made in my head to give me that big picture yet. I was born more towards the beginning of the "millenial generation", so maybe technological ability wasn't hard-wired into my genetic make-up as effectively as the younger kids. I do have a good grasp of how to find answers though. I have gained the ability to use technology, what limited skills I have gained, to communicate, teach, and understand better and more clearly. Plus, blogging is fun!

In conclusion, I know how important technology is becoming in this day and age. I cannot be oblivious or resistant to that if I want to be successful. This class has started a solid techno-foundation for my life that I can build on to succeed.

Project 3

I preface by saying that I am still not the most technologically-sound student here at BYU, and especially not in this class. Even powerpoint is mostly foreign to me... Thus, my original project idea proved almost impossible for me to do. It took me a lot of brainstorming (and stressing) to figure out an alternative. I'm happy to say that I am satisfied with the result.

The project I would have my students complete is outlined in this google document:

This is an example of the project that I did:

I am still not a master at creating powerpoint presentations, but making a presentation on google documents is even harder. I still don't know how to animate any of the texts or images or set the timing or anything... I have a lot to learn. I am hoping that the students learn a lot through this project. The truth is, google documents is a very useful program to learn.