Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Okay, we're talking about Life-Long Learning, or what I affectionately refer to as L3. I think those of us who are members of the LDS church already have quite the leg-up on the rest of the world when it comes to L3. We understand that we are expected to study the scriptures, learn spiritual truths, and strengthen our testimonies our whole lives. If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards they say (which only really makes sense if your moving against a conveyor belt or moving sidewalk, but I guess we're not supposed to take it so literally). We can't just rest on our laurels and think that the knowledge we have gained will hold us over until kingdom come. Life is continual journey! Intelligence and knowledge (particularly of a spiritual nature) are some of our biggest rewards for progressing in this journey.

L3 is just as important in our fields of academic study as it is for us spiritually. If my physician wasn't continually reading up about his field and learning the new theories and procedures that could protect me from malpractice, disease, injury, or death, I don't know what I'd do... probably die, I guess... So, RSS feeds and other ways of collecting streaming information from the internet are incredibly useful tools for accomplishing L3. Plus, now I don't have to visit all the various websites I usually do, which saves me some time. This is a good thing because I don't have a computer and the computers at the public library are usually a little sketch...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Project Proposal

I will do the projects outlined on the website. I will complete them by the marked due dates on the calendar.

Project #1February 10th
Project #2March 17th
Project #3April 7th

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Video Introduction

This is a video clip I took on my bright green ipod nano.
In it I introduce myself, tell where I'm from, and say what I high school courses I plan to teach.

What is a Satellite Blog?

Well, my first blog is my favorite blog. Therefore, everything that isn't so personal and must be blogged for either credit or class will be on this satellite blog. That doesn't mean this blog won't be incredibly fascinating, because it definitely might.

I am not completely sure what to expect from this class. I think that I will be learning about multimedia "enhancements" that I could use in lesson planning, but I'm not sure. What I gathered from the introduction and class syllabus is that I will be "developing knowledge and skills related to the use of technology inside and outside of the classroom" (taken directly from the syllabus).

So, the bottom line is that I will be learning how to integrate technology into the classroom to enhance student learning. Didn't BYU do a study about this...